Anxiety is a common disorder in our society and is characterized by: a sensation of breathlessness, palpitations, chest pressure, cold sweats, dizziness, sensation of being at the point of dying, disorientation, etc. The causes that provoke anxiety are diverse, although stress, lack of motivation, insecurity, low self-esteem and the lack of resources in the resolution of these problems, are the most frequent.
Treatment consists of an analysis of the causes that have triggered the growth of these symptoms with the goal of the psychological treatment directed at reorganizing the cognitive perceptions and ideas of the affected person.
In the case of depression, the lack of motivation in many of the aspects of the life of the patient makes it necessary to work towards animating the psychological incentives that give sense to life and searching for new personal and professional goals.
Force of character and emotional balance. It's not easy for a person to orientate themselves given the enormous amount of information that they receive from their environment. This can produce a state of apathy, provoked by an intellectual lack of focus. In the modern society, we find ourselves immersed in a sea of environmental stimuli that can sap a great part of our interior fortitude. It therefore becomes indispensable to support emotional and rational development, reinforcing the character and self-image of the person, so they can overcome their difficulties and create positive and constructive models for themselves.
Therapy prescribed in cases of lack of will, eating disorders, phobias, general disinterest, lack of animation, apathy, toxic habits and others.
Eating disorders are a grave problem of our times, affecting a large number of people, and they need to be detected and treated early since this is the key to helping and totally resolving the disorder and avoiding the deterioration of physical and mental health. In order to cure the disorder in an efficient manner, it is necessary to reorder the psychological aspects as much as the nutritional.
With anorexia there is a deliberate loss of weight, since the patient rejects the maintenance of body mass in the adequate proportions for his/her height and constitution. Also there is an intense fear of gaining weight and an alteration of the perception of their own body. This brings about grave disorders in physical vitality and limits the social life of the affected.
Bulimia produces repetitive episodes of excessive eating or overeating. In both cases of bulimia and anorexia, inappropriate conducts can be produced, e.g. forced vomiting, abuse of laxatives or diuretics, fasting or excessive exercising.
In situations of stress or anxiety the following symptoms can be produced: headaches, wearing of the teeth, gum inflammation, pain and noises while chewing or opening/closing the mouth, sounds in the ears. These are produced by the constant pressure maintained in the jaw while biting or gnashing the teeth (many times while sleeping).
In this case, we are talking of a cranio-mandibular dysfunction, since they lose the balance that forms the bones, the ligaments, the muscles that form the articulation and this causes incorrect function. It's important to learn adequate techniques, as much relaxation as mental control, and analyze the causes that maintain this situation of stress, to be able to eliminate the problem.
This phobia is characterized by an intense fear, sensation of anguish and breathlessness, each time that the person finds himself/herself in a closed place, like an elevator, small room, a car, etc. This limits considerably the daily life of the patient, since they feel obligated to avoid these feared situations. The treatment consists of a therapy that combines aspects of mental control, relaxation, visualization in order to confront those places that trigger the distress, and cognitive re-education.
Motivation and goal setting. In any moment of one's life, a person may decide to change jobs or adopt a
different orientation towards their profession, in this case the therapy is to define a personal model and professional goals; animate mental incentives and optimize the intellectual characteristics giving motivational sense to personal efforts.
The motivational factor augments the will, stimulates concentration, memory and comprehension. In this way, stimulating all of the intellectual capacities, it is possible to attain higher levels of success within the chosen profession.
We live in an era of communication, so more and more, we need to have an expressivity in accordance with our personal and professional necessities. Also, due to their profession, many people are obligated to talk many hours per day, the knowledge of how to regulate the voice greatly reduces problems of hoarseness and/or maladies of the throat that this obligation generates.
In these cases, clarity in expression is important, in order to make themselves understood accurately. The objective is to obtain an adequate articulation of all speech sounds and to improve oral expression. Prescribed for problems such as stammering, stuttering and other dysfunctions.
Necessary for concentration, balance of muscular tone, and to provide good distribution and conservation of motor energy. Lowers the level of hyperactivity, nervousness and anxiety with all the positive implications that this brings to the psychosomatic level. Therapy prescribed in cases of lack of concentration, nervous blocks, insomnia, eating disorders, phobias, hypertension, chronic fatigue and others.
The fear of flying is characterized by an intense and irrational sensation of ill feeling in all situations directly or indirectly related with air transport. The behavior of the person is affected and limited as they avoid the situation of flying, or when they do fly, they suffer great anxiety.
The best way to overcome this disorder is through an adequate psychological treatment that consists in learning relaxation techniques, mental control, cognitive re-education with visualizations of the feared situations so that, progressively, they accustom themselves to confronting the situation that distresses them.